Inspiring children to stay in school

Reinforcement from positive role models is inspiring the children to stay in school and pursue their dreams.

Ms. Florence Athieno, Teacher, Iyolwa Primary School

At Jars of Clay, we believe that every child has the inherent ability to succeed and thrive in life. Children in rural areas are faced with many limitations that hinder their ability to manifest their greatness. This is why we are working with rural schools to complement the work of teachers and parents to reinforce confidence and belief in the children’s abilities. The programme aims to transform the mindset of rural children from a position of self-doubt to an attitude of self-worth, dignity and purpose. Through sessions with positive role models, the children are challenged to look within themselves to discover, ignite and celebrate their unique qualities and God-given talents. By sharing their personal journeys, our mentors have demonstrated that it is possible to change the course of one’s life through the right principles and habits.

In 2021, we reached out to over 200 children in three different schools in Tororo District. About 150 Primary Seven candidates of Katerema Primary School, Iyolwa Primary School and P’Oyem Primary School were given success cards and gifts to cheer them on as they approached their final exams. According to Ms. Florence Athieno a teacher at Iyolwa Primary School, reinforcement from positive role models is inspiring the children to stay in school and pursue their dreams.

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