We have come a long way

We have come a long way, our confidence as women has been bolstered, our ability to take care of our families has improved

Lydia Emelu, Vice Chairperson, Wor Women’s Group

Jars of Clay is enhancing opportunities for women by supporting women led entrepreneurship and promoting linkages to high value markets. As a result, we are accelerating the progress of grass roots women towards economic empowerment.

2020 saw over 30 women of Wor Women’s Group, Katerema village, Tororo district, receive basic business skills training and seed capital to engage in Agro-business. A little over a year and the women have surpassed the objectives of the group. With the earnings from the pilot vegetable garden, they have expanded to cassava growing, hiring out equipment for functions and selling of local pastries in the village market. With the savings from the sales, they now boast a savings group from which they have access to finances should the need arise. Borrowing funds has been made open to other community members creating an avenue for extra income in the form of interest. But that is not all, the group has since evolved to include a strong support structure for the women. During their weekly meetings, the women share their unique experiences and challenges in their homes and communities. Here, they learn from each other to know their worth, their rights and to build each other up as women. Among the women are survivors of gender-based violence who are now able to guide and support their colleagues.

Lydia Emelu the group Vice Chairperson beams with joy as she narrates, “we have come a long way, our confidence as women has been bolstered, our ability to take care of our families has improved”. The other women nod in agreement confirming that indeed their improved financial status has helped to amplify their voices on issues that affect them as women in the community.

As part of our work, we collaborate with a wide range of partners including, the private sector, churches, local financial institutions and civil society to enhance economic outcomes for the women.

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